Friday, May 29, 2015

a little about me

I guess I'll get the basics out of the way. My name is Sarah or some know me as Sarah Beth. I'm from this little town called Cape May, which is at the very bottom of New Jersey. My family has deep deep roots in South Jersey, so I don't think I'll ever leave. 

I love to cook for people. I hate cooking for myself. In fact, if I'm home alone I'm a grazer. I graze peanut m&ms all day long! My favorite thing to cook is roasted veggies. I feel like people don't understand how roasting even the grossest veggies can make them taste sinfully delicious. I love flavor and I don't ever apologize for garlic or onion breath. My husband understands the height of my bad breath. 

I enjoy fishing when I get the chance. I like going offshore for pelagic fish. The funniest part of me loving to run 70 miles offshore is that I get sea sick. I take motion sickness pills every time we go on the boat. Oh, and I have a weird superstition that we won't catch fish unless we have pretzels on the boat. 

I have an obsession with organizing things. Worksheets, planners, checklists, labels & dividers make me giddy.  My spice jars are labeled, I went there. I also like making invitations for people, so I'd like to start my own Etsy shop full of worksheets that I utilize, cards I've created, and random OCD things that make my life whole. 

I discovered my purpose in life on Decmeber 25, 2014 at 9:34 PM when my beautiful son was placed into my arms for the first time. Seriously thinking about that moment makes me emotional. He is simply amazing and I'm so thankful to be given the gift of a child. 

I am passionate about breast feeding. I can give you 6,000 reasons why I do it and why I think everyone should try to nurse if they're able to. The beginning was painful, but SO worth it. In my second life I'd like to be like my girl friend (and lactation consultant) Lauren who coached me through all my issues and concerns. 

My husband is my best friend. I don't think there's really anything I don't love about him. We got married on 12-12-12. I planned our wedding in less than a day, after calling him and saying "hey want to get married today!" Yeah, that's the most spontaneous thing I've ever done in my life. 

Here we are! 

Other stuff that makes me who I am:
1) I have naturally curly hair and I hate it. 
2) I like my eyes. 
3) I'm petrified of ostriches. 
4)  Disappointing people upsets me. 
5) I do not enjoy traveling, it makes me anxious. 
6) I am a worry wart. 
7) I'm a libra. 
8) I enjoy a good Margarita, on the rocks, with salt. 
9) I have a brown thumb, as opposed to a green thumb, I am excellent at killing plants. 
10) It took me 20 some years to finally admit I'm a spaz (thinking of you Paul- miss you dearly).  

That pretty sums "me" up! 

Find me online and learn more about me! 

Instagram: reelsassy and/or scrounging_momma 

Monday, May 25, 2015

career change

My job title went from Executive Assistant to Homemaker on Thursday! I sound excited now, but on Thursday I was feeling pretty melancholy. On my last drive home from work I thought of the bright side, I thought of my favorite quote from Whinnie the Pooh.

It made me happier. It helped me remember how BLESSED I am to have met all of my wonderful (former) coworkers. 

When I got home I saw this face and everything was great again. 

Being a mother opens not only your eyes, but also your heart! It's uncanny how much love a baby brings out of your heart; it's like my son helped me discover it's depths. 

My official journey starts now.  I hope you all continue to join me on this scary and exciting adventure.  I will be sharing the ups and the downs, the good and bad, and everything in between. 

xo Your Scrounging Momma

Saturday, May 16, 2015

pick two

A while back I found this on Pinterest. I showed it to my husband and we laughed about it. Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd agree with it. 

So, since I saw that post, I have had a child. When I say your world changes when you welcome your first child into the world, I mean it's like you start living on a totally different planet. I came across this post on Pinterest this past week. It really had me thinking. 

The funny thing about these photos and mottos is that I really wish it wasn't like that. I wish I could do it all. I really want to be super mom and wonder wife. It's incredibly frustrating when I can't get done everything I wish I could. I can sit here and point fingers and make excuses on how I can't do it all, but at the end of the day I'm not perfect. I do the best I can. They say pick two, but that doesn't mean I give up on the rest of the items. I'm just learning to prioritize and realize what's most important to me. 

So, what's my 2? My heart says thriving love life & more time with my kid. However, I get caught up in the ones that my mind thinks are most important, which are a clean house and healthy meals. Sometimes I feel like completing those tasks makes for a good relationship and happy/healthy child. Deep down I know that TIME is what makes a relationship grow. It's not what you do for them, it's what you do with them. 

So, all you moms out there, chin up! All we can do is our best. Don't get caught up in the things "women are supposed to do" because it's a load of crap!

This is a pretty raw post for me, so I hope you enjoyed it! 

xo Your Scrounging Momma

Friday, May 8, 2015

things i will not miss

There are so many things that I won't miss when I'm done working a full time job. Tell me moms... Am I alone?

#1 PUMPING 2x a day, 5 days a week. This is #1 for a reason. 

#2 Not only will I not have to pump, but I won't have to wash 6 bottles a day and all of the damn pump parts. It's too much work. I'd rather just pop him on me and get it over with. Plus, I love nursing my son. 

#3 Driving back and forth from work 2x per day. I'm home every day for lunch to feed Harry. I hate leaving him once and I have to say goodbye twice a day. 

#4 Being on time. I hate having to be somewhere at a particular time. Who's with me? 

#5 Packing up 3 bags a day. Between my pump parts, my food and my papers I carry around way too much crap! 

#6 Using "public" restrooms. People are gross. 

#7 Relying on people to watch my kid. Sooooo annoying. 

#8 Having to base my life around my job. Going to the grocery store is even impossible with a full time job and a kid. Especially when your husband is always working overtime. 

#9 Dealing with workplace drama. Sometimes it can be just like high school. I have to say it's minimal at my job so I'm lucky. 

#10 My husband missing out on extra money because I'm still at work. 

#11 Not being able to focus on my at home jobs that I really enjoy. I have 2 part time jobs. I love them, but I don't have time to focus on them as much as I'd like.  

#12 Missing out on play time with Harry. Usually, I only get an hour or two of play time with my little one before its bed time. 

#13 Thinking about all the things I could be doing at home. 

#14 Eating junk! When I pack my snacks for the day I just grab whatever is easiest. Regardless of its nutritional value. 

#15 Sitting down all day. 

#16 Having no time to work out. The morning is a mad rush to leave and night time is a mad rush to get some chores done and make dinner. No time for myself! 

#17 No more feeling unimportant. Let's face it- an Assistant isn't anyone important. I knew that taking the job and was okay with it because I am really good at what I do, but being a mom is SO much more rewarding. I know my ego will thank me :) 

#18 Prettying myself up. I'm over ironing, lint rolling and tailoring my clothes. I just want to wear jeans and a t-shirt. 

#19 Watching what I say. Working in a business environment means you have to be professional all the time. I'm not unprofessional,  but sometimes I like to joke and be sarcastic which is inappropriate. 

#20 Pretending. I believe in leaving your attitude at the door. Work is for work, not for personal issues. I do my best to always look happy. I'm over that. I'm a human, and a girl. I wear my emotions. 

#21 Missing the sunshine on nice days. 

#22 Missing the couch and TV on rainy days. 

#23 Shopping for work appropriate attire. Nothing ever fits. It's not comfortable either! 

#24 Meetings. I just don't like them. 

#25 Always being cold. The heat is on low in the winter, and the air is on high in the summer. Basically, I could wear a parka year round.  

#26 Answering phones. I just don't like talking on the phone. Text me please. 

#27 Remembering 600 different passwords and pass codes. 

#28 Staring at a computer screen all day. 

#29 Worrying about my dogs. Since I'll be home I won't have to worry if they're being good, need to be let out, et cetera. 

#30 And least, but certainly not least, I will not miss, missing my kid. It sucks. End of story. 

Now don't get me wrong... there are many things I will miss. 

#1 The amazing co-workers I now call friends. It will be sad not to see them 5 days a week. I really hope we stay in touch. 

#2 My boss. He is really the best boss I could ever ask for. 

#3 Daily interaction with adults. I remember I was looking forward to adult talk when my maternity leave was up.

#4 Seeing my sister every day. She watches my son and I love seeing her every day. It'll be different without her there every morning. 

#5 The consistent money. I'm a control freak. Not knowing when money is coming in scares me. 

Cheers to more time with this nugget ❤️