Tuesday, August 25, 2015

and i'm live

Well, I just moved all of my blogs over from my blogger page and I'm live right here: scroungingmomma.com!  AH! 

I am currently looking at about 50 post-it notes that I scribbled blog post ideas on. I can't seem to stop my mind. It's EXPLODING with creativity and excitement. The future is so bright, my friends. 

I told you I am committed to blogging daily. Blogs are not written and posted in an hour. They take a lot of work and recourses. Research is necessary! My picture game will be upped a lot.  Perfection will be strived for with every post.  That being said, my daily posts will start Monday, August 31st. 

Please subscibe to my blog in the mean time to stay up to date! Thank you for supporting me every step of the way. The encouragement & kind words are taken to heart. I am greatful for the blessings in my life and for the opportunities ahead of me! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

here's to the future

Over the past few months I have inconsistently been blogging about whatever felt right. My topics are all over the place because there is so much I want to say and share. I recently had a discussion with my husband, Harry, about our future. I told him my number one goal was to work at home, full time, indefinitely. He then asked me the question I avoid at all costs. "Well, what do you want to do to make money from home?" I make money from home now, but the things that I do are not exactly paving my career path.

You may have read my post "Narrow It Down" where I discussed all these crazy ideas that I have. Since that post I have added and subtracted more things than I can count. My brain is wild. I feel like the number one reason that I struggle to "narrow it down" is fear! Fear of rejection and fear of failure due to lack of confidence! I am working on that confidence thing and making a decision. 

I have committed myself to YOU!  Here, is where I feel I belong. So, this morning I started my research.  I was reading up on blogging success and methods of blogging. A lot of them are one topic blogs. I don't want to be like that. Moms have more than one job! Heck we have more than 10, but I won't get into that right now. I also read that consistency is important and blogs should be posted daily. Yikes! Okay, well I have a solution and an answer to my concerns above. 

I have made a commitment to blog every day (Monday through Friday). Every day of the week represents a different topic that I KNOW (from experience) Moms will benefit from. So, without further ado... here is the future of the Scrounging Momma.

Homemaking Monday
Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job I have ever had.  The pay is crap and the labor is hard both mentally and physically.  I want to talk about organizing, schedules, and stuff we can do to keep us sane and our kids happy. 

Real Talk Tuesday
The Scrounging Momma was started to talk about my journey as a stay at home mom. I still want to talk about my journey.  I want to keep things personal & real. 

Work It Wednesday
You know all of those "mom & baby" work outs? Yeah, on Wednesdays we will talk about those.  Running late is my usual cardio so this should be interesting.

Thriving Thursday
Doesn't everyone want to work from home? Most moms either want to be home, but can't afford to eliminate their income completely. Or, they are already home, but would like more of an income. Thursday I will talk about ways to save money and ways to make money from your couch! 

Foodie Friday
This will be my favorite day of the week! I love food and sharing it with those I love. Recipes, health tips and kitchen tricks, will all be shared on Fridays.

I am very excited for the future of The Scrounging Momma! Not only will I be blogging daily, but I am working on a new look and a new website! This all can't be accomplished over night so stand by for my new launch date.

To get a sneak peak of the new look and updates you can "like" me on Facebook!  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

setting the record straight

As you know I am a big advocate of breastfeeding.  I had the opportunity to speak with a local news paper for National Breast-Feeding Awareness Month.  The first thing I said to my husband was "I can't wait to blog about it!"  So here it is!: South Jersey moms promote breastfeeding from the start

I was so excited to tell my story about nursing my son because I, like many other moms, experienced pain and difficulties in the beginning of my journey.  Breastfeeding isn't easy!  The article was posted online prior to being ran in the paper.  As you see in the link above it was titled  South Jersey moms promote breastfeeding from the start. I was shocked when I saw it run in the papers because it was titled "Shunning the Bottle."  

First, if I had known that it was titled as such I would have never agreed to speak with anyone because I don't shun the bottle! In fact, my son has had multiple bottles because before I was a work at home mom, I was a full-time banker and I had to pump at work and my son had bottles.

Secondly, half of my words were taken out of context. The reporter asked me if there was anything else I'd like to add before the interview ended. I said, yes! I'd like to add that just because I openly discuss and support breastfeeding doesn't mean that I put down those who decide on different feeding methods.  I'm happy to see moms caring for their children, and just because a baby receives formula and a bottle doesn't mean that they are doing something wrong.

I'd like to share with you WHY I discuss breastfeeding openly. I share because I didn't have it easy. It wasn't that I just had thrush and it sucked. That was one of the easier issues I experienced.  In the beginning, Harry would feed every other hour. Do you have any idea how exhausting that is? No I couldn't have anyone else feed him so I could sleep a little longer because if I did I would've woken up in terrible pain. My son had a small pallet, so even when he was latched correctly he made my toes curl.  I had an over supply, so even when I finished feeding my newborn baby FINALLY fell asleep, I had to stay up and pump or else I put myself at risk for infection and set myself up for a lot of pain.  My son literally, chewed (without teeth) part of my nipple off.

So, I choose to talk about breastfeeding because I want to cheer those moms on that decide that they want to do it! I will not apologize to anyone for feeding my son in public, and I will not apologize for discussing my greatest accomplishment. I will also not stand for seeing any mom put down in any way for how they decide to feed their children.