Friday, May 8, 2015

things i will not miss

There are so many things that I won't miss when I'm done working a full time job. Tell me moms... Am I alone?

#1 PUMPING 2x a day, 5 days a week. This is #1 for a reason. 

#2 Not only will I not have to pump, but I won't have to wash 6 bottles a day and all of the damn pump parts. It's too much work. I'd rather just pop him on me and get it over with. Plus, I love nursing my son. 

#3 Driving back and forth from work 2x per day. I'm home every day for lunch to feed Harry. I hate leaving him once and I have to say goodbye twice a day. 

#4 Being on time. I hate having to be somewhere at a particular time. Who's with me? 

#5 Packing up 3 bags a day. Between my pump parts, my food and my papers I carry around way too much crap! 

#6 Using "public" restrooms. People are gross. 

#7 Relying on people to watch my kid. Sooooo annoying. 

#8 Having to base my life around my job. Going to the grocery store is even impossible with a full time job and a kid. Especially when your husband is always working overtime. 

#9 Dealing with workplace drama. Sometimes it can be just like high school. I have to say it's minimal at my job so I'm lucky. 

#10 My husband missing out on extra money because I'm still at work. 

#11 Not being able to focus on my at home jobs that I really enjoy. I have 2 part time jobs. I love them, but I don't have time to focus on them as much as I'd like.  

#12 Missing out on play time with Harry. Usually, I only get an hour or two of play time with my little one before its bed time. 

#13 Thinking about all the things I could be doing at home. 

#14 Eating junk! When I pack my snacks for the day I just grab whatever is easiest. Regardless of its nutritional value. 

#15 Sitting down all day. 

#16 Having no time to work out. The morning is a mad rush to leave and night time is a mad rush to get some chores done and make dinner. No time for myself! 

#17 No more feeling unimportant. Let's face it- an Assistant isn't anyone important. I knew that taking the job and was okay with it because I am really good at what I do, but being a mom is SO much more rewarding. I know my ego will thank me :) 

#18 Prettying myself up. I'm over ironing, lint rolling and tailoring my clothes. I just want to wear jeans and a t-shirt. 

#19 Watching what I say. Working in a business environment means you have to be professional all the time. I'm not unprofessional,  but sometimes I like to joke and be sarcastic which is inappropriate. 

#20 Pretending. I believe in leaving your attitude at the door. Work is for work, not for personal issues. I do my best to always look happy. I'm over that. I'm a human, and a girl. I wear my emotions. 

#21 Missing the sunshine on nice days. 

#22 Missing the couch and TV on rainy days. 

#23 Shopping for work appropriate attire. Nothing ever fits. It's not comfortable either! 

#24 Meetings. I just don't like them. 

#25 Always being cold. The heat is on low in the winter, and the air is on high in the summer. Basically, I could wear a parka year round.  

#26 Answering phones. I just don't like talking on the phone. Text me please. 

#27 Remembering 600 different passwords and pass codes. 

#28 Staring at a computer screen all day. 

#29 Worrying about my dogs. Since I'll be home I won't have to worry if they're being good, need to be let out, et cetera. 

#30 And least, but certainly not least, I will not miss, missing my kid. It sucks. End of story. 

Now don't get me wrong... there are many things I will miss. 

#1 The amazing co-workers I now call friends. It will be sad not to see them 5 days a week. I really hope we stay in touch. 

#2 My boss. He is really the best boss I could ever ask for. 

#3 Daily interaction with adults. I remember I was looking forward to adult talk when my maternity leave was up.

#4 Seeing my sister every day. She watches my son and I love seeing her every day. It'll be different without her there every morning. 

#5 The consistent money. I'm a control freak. Not knowing when money is coming in scares me. 

Cheers to more time with this nugget ❤️

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